Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Sense of Humor free essay sample

What is a Sense of Humor? Is it something we all need in life? Is it a bad thing to have it or a good thing? According to the dictionary and resources of online a Sense of Humor is the ability to perceive humor or appreciate a joke. Well I say that definition is vague, not enough proof to help what does it really means. I’m proving that there is more to explain what a sense of humor is. In my own definition I say that a sense of humor is being able to express the humorous, but there is more to that. The etymology of sense of humor that I found is the trend of particular mental experiences to provoke laughter and provide amusement. The term develops from the humeral medicine of the ancient Greeks, which taught that the balance of fluids in the human body, known as humors control human health and emotion. We will write a custom essay sample on Sense of Humor or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Western humor theory begins with Plato, who attributed to Socrates (as a semi-historical dialogue character) in the Philebus the view that the essence of the ridiculous is ignorance in the weak, which are thus unable to react when mocked. The negation of sense of humor is taking something serious of joke, like sarcasm. Not smiling in a joke. Late to the punch line, explaining the joke and telling the joke. The process of a sense humor is to find your funny bone. This is the first step and probably one youve already got the answer to. There are various types of humor, from the witty humor of Mark Twain, to the physical humor of The Three Stooges, to the dark humor of George Carlin. Know the difference between being funny and having a sense of humor. Both are important, and its usually difficult to have one without the other—but its not impossible. You do need to have a sense of humor to be funny. Having a sense of humor means being able to laugh at or at least see the humor in lifes meaninglessness. You do not need to be funny to have a sense of humor. Understand background. What might be humorous, or even funny, could also be seen as clueless, or even tasteless, depending on the situation. If youve already got a sense of humor, you know what makes you laugh. If you dont have a sense of humor, you have a lot to learn! In either case, take in a funny movie or a YouTube clip on occasion. Comparing a sense humor has other cultures that have its own sense of humor. Compare of someone laughing and someone else smiling. They both obliviously get the joke because of a physical of a sense of humor is laughing and smiling. People of all ages and cultures respond to humor. The majority of people are able to experience humor, to be amused, to laugh or smile at something funny, and so they are considered to have a sense of humor. The imaginary person wanting a sense of humor would likely find the behavior persuaded by humor to be odd, strange, or even irrational. Though ultimately decided by personal taste, the amount to which a person will find something humorous depends upon a host of variables, including geographical location, culture, and maturity, level of education, intelligence and setting. For example, young children may favor joke, such as Punch and Judy puppet shows or cartoons such as Tom and Jerry. Sarcasm may rely more on understanding the target of the humor and therefore be likely to to appeal to more mature audiences. You can lose a sense of humor. Getting older may lose your sense of humor because responsibilities and adding stress. I have family members that have lost their sense of humor my brother and uncle. As they both would laugh at anything they both would hear on TV or online but now they wouldn’t have time to hear jokes as they grow and grow. So a sense of humor is abstract. In conclusion, sense of humor is express of humorous and ability to appreciate a joke. It is something we need in life, yes but it has to be developed. To me a sense of humor is a gift from God so we need it for our life. Sense of Humor free essay sample The person with a sense of humour attracts other people with a sense of humour and in trying to amuse his eager listeners, as people possessing a sense of humour usually do, he shows wit, intelligence, vitality and a zest for life. A sense of humour can also lift a person up from the troubles of everyday life. Any person with a sense of humour is able to laugh at himself and find something funny in the sticky situations he gets into. By laughing at mundane problems, such as accidentally dyeing an entire load of laundry pink or being chased round the block by someones poodle, he shows that he has, in a way, risen above these problems and, to quote Shakespeare who has a great sense of humour, he was born in a merry hour. A sense of humour also prevents people from taking life too seriously and, consequently, from worrying about everything that happens. We will write a custom essay sample on Sense of Humor or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Needless to say, a person who cannot laugh at lifes little ironies and there are a lot of ironies and worries will certainly not find life a barrel of chuckles. Once a person has lost his sense of humour, life can become drab. A sense of humour can also be educationally useful. It allows us to appreciate comedy not just slapstick and verbal humour, but also black humour and satire which usually have very serious messages to bring across about human nature. By laughing at black comedy or satire in plays, books or movies, we recognise particular traits in ourselves and in our newfound self- knowledge, we can change and correct our faults. A person who cannot find humour in the experience probably will not understand the message and, hence, is unable to edify himself. A negative aspect which comes to mind where a sense of humour is concerned is that a person might be tempted to take everything too lightly, and nothing seriously. A sense of humour is supposed to lighten the burden of life, not let it slip entirely off our shoulders. A sense of humour is not finding amusement in someone elses misfortunes. It is a human trait which is just the tiniest bit magical because it gives us the ability to laugh at ourselves and to make others laugh as well. A sense of humour is one of the most important traits a person can have. Without it, life loses its fascination and colour, one ceases to enjoy life, loses hope and plods steadily onwards to the grim prospect of a wooden box with his name on it. Nowadays, people have a lot of problems in many fields of life. When people have a stressful day, they may experience headaches or sleeping difficulties. Some people agree that a good sense of humor is one of the most important human qualities while other people have different opinion that a good sense of humor is important for life . I personally believe that a good sense of humor is one of the most important human qualities. As a proverb says, â€Å"Every why has a wherefore†; There are two reasons why a good sense of humor is important for life. . People who manage to overcome the being down in the dumps feeling are the ones who succeed. Moreover, who does not admire those who make others laughing out loud? If you can amuse your friends, they will always be delighted to spend their time with you which is a personal achievement. Secondly, communication with others will be a lot more fluent. You become more attractive to colleagues, friends and acquaintances. Not mentioning that one of the key moments in a love relationship is making your partner laughing.

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