Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Africa - 515 Words

Europe tried to take many countries, Africa being one of them. The European countries had an effect on Africa today throughout all the primes. Europe had an effect on the African way of life, that in some ways were good, and in some ways bad. Imperialism is defined as the extension or rule or influence by one government, nation, or society over the political, economic, or cultural life of another. European nations decided they wanted land in the mostly unexplored continent, and they took it, without the consent of the African people. Europe brought Christian ideas into Africa. Religion was changed from what it would have been to Christianity today. If you look at most of the countries in Africa such as Angola, Congo, Ghana or Zimbabwe†¦show more content†¦European Imperialist Policies made Africa lose history of their culture and brought racism to Africa. Europeans wanted to change Africans to be more like them, changing their religion, changing their life style and making them slaves. Slavery led to the loss of culture because after a while Africans began to think of themselves as lower class; since that’s what they were treated like. The Westernized minority, influenced by European culture and Christiani ty, first rejected African traditional culture. Slavery lead to people hating Africa, Africans and the African culture. Which leads to the Africa culture and traditions being diminished. Why would anyone want to practice a certain religion or traditions if they were labeled as wrong, or unethical. Traditionally, the majority of Africans have been farmers and herders who raised crops and livestock. When Europeans started colonizing they demanded agricultural and mineral products. Safer technology and ways of farming were learned and brought to Africa. European technology and crops were introduced and a modern exchange economy started. The technology was starting to grow, there were new machines and easier ways to do things Africans never thought of. Africa today has changed a lot from European countries and the imperialist policies. The Europeans tore into the African continent and succeeded in destroying the African way of life. Thousands of people wereShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Africa And Africa987 Words   |  4 PagesAfrica could have developed trade relations with any other country but why with Europe? During the fifteenth (15th) century Africa developed a very unique relationship with Europe ¹. 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