Friday, December 27, 2019

Themes Of The Greek Literature - 1409 Words

Throughout surviving Greek literature, many themes can be identified that give ideas about what life was like at the time of their origin. For example, themes such as honor and bravery are prevalent which exemplifies the importance of glory in ancient Greek men, which could be used to explain motives and behavior. Many themes, however, can go hand in hand to create a certain narrative. The theme of misogyny, combined with deceit and trickery, is prevalent in Hesiodic and Homeric literature through the descriptions of the treatment of women and how they exercise power. According to Hesiod s Theogony and Works and Days, the beautiful Pandora was the very first mortal woman to be created by the gods and goddesses of Olympus. She is named†¦show more content†¦The fundamental sexism that is apparent in Hesiod’s works reflects the Greek societal structure in the subjugation of women to men. When Pandora opened the jar and unleashed evils upon the world, her actions exemplify how women are regarded as burdens that cause problems. Furthermore, the ideas of marriage reflect the societal view that women were evils, necessary only for producing heirs. This misogynistic outlook is apparent not just in poems featuring mortal women, but also goddesses of Olympus. While goddesses such as Athena and Demeter are regarded highly for their intellect and strength, they too were portrayed as simply vessels to produce offspring for the gods. However, it is true that not all women in Hesiodic literature are regarded negatively. The Muses, for example, were highly acclaimed for their beauty and skills in the arts. Invoked in nearly every poem, they are a vital part of the ancient Greek poetry. Aside from this, one of the only means of exercising power as a woman in this time have is through their beauty and deceptive nature. For example, Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, is also the goddess of deception. Because of this, she has the power to control the other gods and goddesses, giving her considerable power. This power of deceit is seen in many poems, including the famous works such as the Iliad. Therefore, while women are depicted as subordinate toShow MoreRelatedThe Theme of Hubris in Ancient Greek Mythology and Literature681 Words   |  3 PagesHubris is a very popular theme in Greek mythology. Hubris was a very important moral concept to the Greeks. Committing hubris was a very serious crime. Hubris is defined as having extreme pride or arrogance. Pride became hubris when it became all consuming or hurtful to others. Other actions that were seen as hubris were acting as if you were equal or more powerful than the gods, or trying to defy them. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Introduction Descriptive Statistics - 1341 Words

TOPIC 1 INTRODUCTION DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS BASIC CONCEPTS Situation: A journalist is preparing a program segment on what appears to be the relatively disadvantaged financial position of women and the incidence of female poverty in Australia. Several questions may arise, for example: †¢ What is the pattern of female incomes? †¢ How severe is the problem of female poverty and what proportion fall below the ‘poverty line’? †¢ Has their general level of income improved over the last ten years? †¢ Are single working mothers especially disadvantaged? †¢ Working mothers often need to put their children into day-care. What should the capacity of the local centre be? †¢ How does their income compare with their†¦show more content†¦Eg. TABLES GRAPHICAL DATA REPRESENTATION Nominal Data Example: The marital status of 15 people is as follows: M D S M W S M M D S M D W M S M= Married S = Single D=Divorced W = Widowed Frequency Table |Status |Frequency |Relative Frequency| |S |4 |.27 | |M |6 |.40 | |D |3 |.20 | |W |2 |.13 | Bar Chart [pic] Pie Chart [pic] The only meaningful measure of spread or variation is the observed variety of values: Single, Married, Divorced, Widowed Ranked Data Ranked data can also be represented using the same methods as for nominal data, but the order is important. Also its ‘centre’ can often be meaningfully represented by the Median and the variation can sometimes be measured by the Range or the Inter Quartile Range. Interval Data Example: The heights of 16 people (to nearest cm.) 147. 156 156 157 162 167 169 172 172 173 175 176 180 181 183 192 Stem and Leaf Display Stem Leaf 14 7 15 667 16 279 17 22356 18 013 19 2 Frequency Table |Group |Frequency |Relative |Cumulative Rel. Freq. | | | |Frequency | | |145.5-155.5 |1Show MoreRelatedIntroduction. Descriptive Statistics Organize And Describe1201 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Descriptive statistics organize and describe the characteristics of a data set. Researchers are interested in two types of descriptive statistics: central tendency and variability. Measures of central tendency describe the center of a distribution of scores. Common measures of central tendency are the mean, median, and mode. Variability describes the dispersion or spread of scores in a data set. The three commonly reported measures of variability are standard deviation, range, and varianceRead MoreUse of Statistics at Kaiser Permanente1275 Words   |  5 PagesUSE OF STATISTICS AT KAISER PERMANENTE8 USE OF STATISTICS AT KAISER PERMANENTE 8 Use of Statistics at Kaiser Permanente Abstract The preceding paper analyzes how descriptive statistics is used in Kaiser Permanente. In addition to that it also highlights the use of inferential statistics in the organization. Apart from that the paper evaluates the use of four levels of measurement in the organization. In addition to that the role of proper interpretation of statistical information in efficientRead More1. What Are Descriptive Statistics and How Do They Differ from Inferential Statistics?1000 Words   |  4 Pagesare descriptive statistics and how do they differ from inferential statistics? INTRODUCTION Statistical procedures can be divided into two major categories: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Typically, in most research conducted on groups of people, you will use both descriptive and inferential statistics to analyse your results and draw conclusions. So what are descriptive and inferential statistics? And what are their differences?We have seen that descriptive statistics provideRead MoreBUS 308 Week 5 Final Paper1141 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿RUNNING HEAD: Statistics Overview Statistics Overview Jennifer Shanley BUS 308-Statistics for Managers Professor Wells November 1, 2014 Statistics Overview Statistics provides us with very useful tools and techniques that aide us in dealing with real world scenarios. I have been able to learn several useful concepts by studying statistics that can aide me in making rational and informed decisions that are supported by the analysis results. Statistics as a discipline is the applicationRead MoreDescriptive Statistics And Its Impact On The Visualization Of The Collective Information878 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Statistics, the cornerstone of any empirical study, are the foundation for analyses. In this instance, descriptive statistics, which are data points that describe the distinct qualities of a population, will be explored. 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Without statistics, it would be difficult to maintain anything numerical in nature and extremelyRead MoreEssay about Statistics in Sports1073 Words   |  5 PagesStatistics is a mathematical science pertaining to the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data. It is applicable to a wide variety of academic disciplines, from the physical and social sciences to the humanities. Statistics are also used for making informed decisions Ââ€" and misused for other reasons Ââ€" in all areas of business and government. Statistical methods can be used to summarize or describe a collection of data; this is called descriptive statistics. InRead MoreApplication Of Statistical Knowledge For Business1532 Words   |  7 PagesApplication of Statistics in Business Introduction In making important decisions for the business, the collection and accurate analysis of data is one of the most imperative processes. 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Implied that several methods used to collectRead MoreThe Effect Of Pay Level On Job Performance Of Call Center Employees Essay858 Words   |  4 Pagesresearch comprises six different sections. These include the introduction, literature review, analysis approach, results, discussion, and conclusion. It is important that these sections are well knit to ensure a logical flow of ideas and clarity in the presentation of the research report. The following section shows the research outline. Topic: The Effect of Pay Level on Job Performance of Call Center Employees I Introduction The introduction describes the problem under investigation and its importance

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Economy of the United States Before During and After World War Ii free essay sample

They were also encouraged to ration their food and gas, and often grew Liberty Gardens. Unfortunately, World War II also made the American Government used to relying on deficit spending (government spending of borrowed money), causing economic problems that still linger today. Thats all I have. Hope it helps! Everything listed above is definatly true to a point, Im a history major who has to answer this question for an exam later this week so I thought Id help add some more information for the people who are looking WWII was an expensive war, it would cost $304 billion just to finance it. For this reason the governmnet pushed war bonds which encouraged common people to help support the war both with their money and with their hearts. From the get go the war was marketed to the common people, proven by the use of popular movie stars in the promotion of War fund-raising and compliance with governmnet measures. We will write a custom essay sample on Economy of the United States Before During and After World War Ii or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page After pearl harbor, the American people were ready to pour everything they had into the war effort. Women donated thousands of tons of aluminum cooking supplies to help build planes though it was later found that only virgin aluminum was good enough for aircraft and so their pots and pans were melted down and sold back to them as pots and pans. In the first months of the war Washington was a mess, and mobilization was slow. This is because our governmnet is not made to act swiftly, it was designed to take time and thought before any decision can be made. Scrap drives were unorganized and so were the efforts of the common people. Those who could not physically join the armed forces wanted to know what they could do to help but the governmnet expected little more from them than the purchasing of war bonds and for them to practice conservation of goods. Other items which were recycled included bone and fats which were used in making explosives and other materials. One of the greatest failures of American govenmnet was the policies which did not encourage the full use of all of the American people. While Rosie the Riveter posers might make it seem that women were begged to help in factories, the truth is that Americans tried to keep the women home for as long as possible before labor shortages around 1943 made it nessisary for factories to stop policies of discrimination. Comming out of the Depression, America had 9 million men that needed jobs. Each and every one was employed before women and minorities were given a chance to go to work. Even more difficult than the position of minorities was that of married women, especially those with the men of their families fighting overseas. America had been progressing socially as a nation under FDR, but his social reforms had taken a back seat to the war effort. Day care was almost non-existant, and where it was it was impossible to afford. Many stores also chose to keep the same hours they had during peace time and so women who worked late had a hard time getting the items they needed. Married women who had husbands in the workforce were also discriminated against because a common attitude was that the man should be the sole bread-winner of a household and children would be denied proper care if their mothers worked. Many goods that people took for granted disapeared, and with more money than they had seen in years the American public had little to spend it on. Gasoline was rationed and in many cities Sunday driving was banned, those who violated the laws had their gas coupon books taken away. The decrease in driving worked both to save gasoline and to put many new business, which depended on drive-in coustomers, to fail. Most people were given a card that allowed them 2 gallons of gas per week, with unrestricted gas reserved for emercency vehicles, police officers, and a few unscrupulous congressmen. Meat was also rationed at 2lbs per person per week which was very difficult for some people to live with. Conservation and the war effort also found its way into popular fasion. Durring the war shoes could only be found in limmited colors (i. e. 4 shades of brown, and black) and clothes were not allowed to be made with any more material than was absolutly nessisary, pleats, ruffles and other embelishments were thrown out for the durration. (This is one of the reasons why short skirts and bare-backed dresses were all the rage). A black market of rationed goods and consumer goods (such as sheets) was strongly revived during this period, but was not so pervasive as to undermine the system. With money burning holes in their pockets, Americans turned to the entertainmnet industry, which with its glamourous actors and fantastical stories, helped to distract the public from their problems. Also, the governmnet had its own idea about what Americans should do with their extra money, during the war the income tax was introduced to suppliment GI spending and has been with us ever since. One thing I would like to correct from what is stated above is the idea that minorities gained rights as a result of the economic boom and the war effort. What happened is that minorites began to actively fight for their rights after WWII. Women did not want to be thrown out of their positions after the men came home from the war, they liked the freedom of having their own income and enjoyed doing something other than cooking and cleaning. African-Americans also were feircly discriminated dirring this time. It would not be until after the death of FDR that the new president Harry Truman would finally desegrigate the military. This nations minorities were fighting overseas for freedom and equality when in fact they were not given these freedoms at home. After the war, blacks who had served in the military moved out of the south and sought a better life in the north where they could escape the racial caste system which existed there. Jews were also discriminated here as well as in many other countries. We were eager to condemn Hitler for murder and open persecution, but we did not want to take the Jews off of his hands alive. If you need more info, consult this book: ONeil, W. L. (2002). A Democracy at War: Americas Fight At Home and Abroad In World War II. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Most of my ideas come from that text, nothing is quoted directly. Hopefully this helps too!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

You Belong To Me Essay Research Paper free essay sample

You Belong To Me Essay, Research Paper Mary Higgins Clark does a great occupation of maintaining the reader in suspense. Mary Higgins Clark introduces many characters that all could me surmise in the offenses she describes in this novel. You Belong to Me was decidedly one of her best plant. Dr. Susan Chandler, a clinical psychologist, is researching instances of losing adult females. On her day-to-day talk show, she focuses on the instance of Regina Clausen who disapeared on a sail three old ages earlier. In Regina # 8217 ; s properties, a turquoise ring with the lettering You Belong to Me engraved on the interior of the set is found. Carolyn Wells, a spectator, calls the show and says she recieved and indistinguishable turquoise ring from a adult male while on a recent sail. He tried to carry Carolyn to go forth the sail and rejoin it in another metropolis. Carolyn agrees to run into with Dr. We will write a custom essay sample on You Belong To Me Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Chandler to discourse the turquoise ring. On her manner to run into with Dr. Chandler, Carolyn was pushed in forepart of a new wave. She is earnestly injured and in a coma. Carolyn # 8217 ; s hubby, Justin, is suspected of seeking to slay her. Dr. Chandler thinks he may besides hold something to make with Regina # 8217 ; s disappearing. Soon other people that are related to the instance are cryptically murdered. Hilda Johnson who witnessed Carolyn # 8217 ; s accident claims it was knowing. Hilda Si murdered after she tells the constabulary her side of the narrative. The following twenty-four hours on Dr. Chandler # 8217 ; s demo a spectator named Tiffany calls and says her fellow bought her an indistinguishable turquoise ring. She can non retrieve the exact location, but it was a store in Greenwich Village. Tiffany besides mentions that the twenty-four hours she was at that place a crisp appareled adult male came in and bought several turquoise rings. Soon both Tiffany and the store proprietor are viciously stabbed to decease. P > In the interim, Dr. Chandler is dating two people. One is a psychologist and invitee on her show, Dr. Don Richards. The other is a affluent adult male named Alex Wright. Certain facts are introduced about both of these work forces that lead the reader to beleive that one of them may be the liquidator. As Dr. Chandler gets closer to work outing the instance, she does non recognize the danger she is in. While working tardily one dark, she is hit over the caput by a adult male, Alex Wright. This is the flood tide of the novel because the reader eventually discovers who the slayer is. Alex so admits to the old slayings. He besides reveals the maltreatment he received from his stepmother while turning up. Killing the adult females is a release of fury for him. Alex now wraps Dr. Chandler up in a plastic bag to kill her. She saved herself by cutting the bag on a piece of broken glass. Dr. Chandler solved the instance and saved her life ; she besides put a liquidator in gaol. You Belong to Me points out the dangers vulnerable alone adult females face. Mary Higgins # 8217 ; Clark # 8217 ; s characters are decidedly credible with the aid of a present twenty-four hours puting in New York. You Belong to Me is a really cliff-hanging book in which the intent is to chiefly entertain. Mary Higgins Clark creates two apparent struggles in this novel, individual vs. individual and individual vs. ego. The struggle individual vs. individual is evident when Alex is slaying he victims and when Dr. Chandler is working against him to work out the instance. Person vs. ego is a major struggle because his chief marks are adult females who are lonely and have no self-esteem. This struggle is besides shown when Alex reveals the emotional maltreatment his stepmother inflicted on him. You Belong to Me is a well-written book intended for immature grownups and grownups, it is a must read novel.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Towards A Sustainable Community Essays - Environmentalism

Towards A Sustainable Community Not until the spread of the Industrial Revolution in the late nineteenth century, has man possessed the ability to adversely alter, on a global scale, the geologic and climatic cycles that have existed for millennia. Planet earth, which man calls home, is approximately 5 billion years old. The science of paleontology tells us that man is a relative new comer to the planet. Modern man did not arrive on the scene until approximately 10,000 to 15,000 years ago. Developments in hunting, agriculture, literacy, and the sciences, have allowed man to thrive and inhabit nearly every corner of the planet. However, this success has not been good for the earth. The world's population has recently surpassed 6 billion and the developed countries community models and lifestyles are not sustainable. Due to rapid, unrestrained growth, housing, shopping, and entertainment construction has spread across the surface of the planet like an oil slick. We are depleting resources and altering ecosystems at an alarming rate. Only now are we beginning to comprehend the long-term effects of more than a century of environmental ignorance, neglect, and apathy. Historically, city and community planners lacked the vision and understanding that would lead to environmentally friendly and sustainable conditions, allowing us to live in harmony with nature. This, coupled with irresponsible consumerism and poor individual choices, has led us to a crossroad. It is now clear we cannot continue to build communities that are unsustainable and we must change our lifestyles. We have arrived at the threshold of the 21st century where nothing less than a global call to action is necessary. We can continue on our current path, which will ultimately lead to severe health problems, loss of valuable resources, extinctions, and a wholesale denial of contaminated areas, or we can take positive, radical steps to break with the past. Regarding unsustainable communities and lifestyles, the blame lies mainly with two specific phenomena, American's love affair with the automobile, and the American Dream of owning a home and land outside of the city. A car-dependent lifestyle introduces numerous problems and exacerbates the dilemma of exurb migration. With so many cars on the road, they become congested, leading to the need for new, longer, and wider roads that encroach on existing ecosystems and animal habitats. With roads and highways stretching farther and farther from the city, suburbanites can now live at greater distances from the cities requiring a need for increased fossil fuel production. This increased consumption and burning of fossil fuels increases air and water pollution and contributes to the greenhouse effect. It is estimated that out of the millions of underground storage tanks of gasoline and diesel fuel across the U.S., over 300,000 have failed, contaminating the surrounding ground water tables (Ne bel, Wright 490). In the case of the fuel additive, Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE), contaminated wells have to be shut down entirely. Many cities fail to meet air-quality standards even with improved pollution controls. Vehicles are responsible for an estimated 80% of the air pollution in metropolitan regions (Nebel, Wright 581). Vehicle traffic congestion increases year after year, accounting for billions of dollars worth of lost time and productivity. From 1945 to 1980, U.S. oil consumption nearly quadrupled while the population grew by just 60 percent (Nebel, Wright 581). According to the Washington Post, the world's oil reserves will be exhausted in approximately 40 to 50 years. The American Dream of owning a home and land is something almost all Americans aspire to. However, this lifestyle is also responsible for a unique set of associated problems that contribute to a wasteful and unwise depletion of energy sources. Single family homes or detached dwellings, cost much more to heat than apartments. The paved area around all homes reduces rainfall percolation back to ground water tables. The increased run off due to the paving over of existing soil, causes erosion, and carries away surface pollutants such as lawn and garden chemicals. The unplanned communities that extend out from the cities eat up existing rich farmland, requiring food to be transported in from greater distances. The only way we are going to be able to move away from unsustainable practices and behavior is through education, inclusion, planning, and regulation. By

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Biological patents and biopiracy.

Biological patents and biopiracy. Until several hundred years ago, ownership and protection has only been granted to objects of a physical or concrete nature, such as a piece of land or a building. However, people began to feel the need to protect and receive credit for their inventions and other products of their intellectual capacity. This desire is the driving force for the creation of intellectual property rights. Traditionally, intellectual property rights protected the creations of the mind such as literary or artistic works, designs and symbols (WIPO). In the past 20 years, another item has been selected to be protected under intellectual property rights: genes and other biological materials.The most prominent type of intellectual property used in protection of biological material is patents. In order to be eligible for a patent, the invention must satisfy the three criteria of novelty, utility and non-obviousness (WIPO). The requirement of novelty means that the invention has not been available to the public, through printed publications or commercial sales, or has not applied for a previous patent (Patent Basics).PatentAnything that indicates the previous existence of the invention, or anything similar to it, is termed prior art (Patent Basics). The condition of utility indicates that the invention must have a use (WIPO). The final prerequisite of non-obviousness specifies "that a person with ordinary skill in the art would not be likely to develop the same invention, even knowing all there was to know in the prior art." (Patent Basic).Modern genetic engineering practices and research requires large amounts of genetic material and organisms, especially in the field of agricultural development. Corporations and other private entities began to scout for "new" organisms and genetic material to sustain their practices and as well as profits. The term biodiversity prospecting, or bioprospecting, is used to describe this activity. According...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

English Language in London School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

English Language in London School - Essay Example So children who learn more than one language get confused and make mistakes with their second language - English in this case. They speak English using the tone of their first language. Most affected is their pronunciation as they get confused which way to pronounce the words. Their teachers pronounce in one way (usually the correct one) and their parents pronounce the other way (usually with their native language accent). Blake and Moorhead (1993, p. 93) excellently observes " This situation exists in England among the children of immigrants, particularly those immigrants who have a strong sense of community and want to maintain their culture even though they live in a 'foreign' environment." Research has shown that students who know two languages are more competent in acquiring the third language in comparison to students who know only one. This attribute affects their performance in school too. In fact bilingual children are better in studies. Mercer and Swann (1996, p.254) state, " mother tongue and second language teaching came closer together, influencing each others' practice in interesting ways, especially in a new emphasis on literacy and wider educational outcomes for bilingual learners of English." It has been proved by studies that those who can speak a second language have a deeper understanding of the cultures of others and they have a greater control, grasp and sense of their own identity. Remarkable results have been achieved by the research devoted to the effects of early second language acquisition. According to the website of 'Secrets d' enfance' - a bilingual school, " the learning of a second language turns the child's mind to the world and other cult ures which will enrich him throughout his life." It has been proved that those who have knowledge of second language, experience a positive development in all the activities related to studies. Students, who know more than one language score statistically higher on standardized tests, have stronger problem solving capabilities and have better overall academic performance than those who are monolingual. So benefits of speaking a second language outnumber the benefits of speaking a single language in all spheres of a student's life. c) How do parents and teachers contribute to the early language development of multilingual children The teachers play a major role in language acquisition. Besides the use of words the teachers have the option of using non-verbal communication in sending the message across - like facial expression, gestures, proximity to the listener and eye contact. They make use of accent, volume, stress and intonation patterns. Being in close proximity with pupils help in getting the feedback instantaneously. If needed they repeat instructions again and again or rephrase the words for better understanding. In the beginning the pupils might feel very conscious to speak in front of the class but the teacher creates a very warm and friendly atmosphere and make pupils know that most of their classmates are going through the same phase. The instructions directed